May 16, 2008

Digital Scrapbooking

I love scrapbooking though I don't have lots of scrapbooks that is because I don't have time to do it because I need to attend to my 1 year old son and you know how messy it is to do such thing with a kid who doesn't know what to do with it yet. But thank God somebody created this Digital Scrapbooking that lets me do my hobby without worrying about the mess when my a little one who-doesn't-know-any-better is around.

I just started the talk of the town DigiScrap today and I had so much fun doing it with Photoshop. I just started learning using Photoshop also so it was not an easy task to do but I am enjoying every moment of doing it. And here is my VERY FIRST DIGISCRAP:

I like doing it so much and will surely do some more. But let me thank first the very generous author of Free Digital Scrapbooking for letting a starter like me download some free materials for DigiScrap. Then they have a good video tutorial who would teach you the procedure of creating a very lovely design.

Now, to those who are ScrapBook fanatic like me and an Internet freak as well, I'm sure you'll love DigiScrap. Have Fun!! :-)