So far, I have the most number of posts in May too. So you see, lots of new things had come to me this month.
I'm happy but sad now. Happy because 9 days from now, I'll be in my Honey's arms again and would be inseparable then ::grin:: and I know that from that day, I will have a new life, hopefully the life that I am dreaming of because I would be in a new place, be around with new people, having a new lifestyle, and just everything would be new and I know that for some time, I will have a little hard time to adjust but I know too that my Honey would help me with that.
Sad because I am leaving the life that I am used to, most especially to be apart from my parents. Right now I am really hurting because I am thinking about the day that we'll leave this house, for sure, it would be a few years before we can see this house again. This is my first to be far from my parents, especially my Mom and it hurts so much. I know she's hurting too. But this is the life that I've chosen and she let me chose it.
Oh my, May, bye-bye to you. The next time I'll be with you is I'll be in a different place with a new different life but I hope another best thing would happen by that time still.