I know it's not quite New Year yet but I just want to greet everyone who happens to drop by my site.
This year, 2008, was not an easy year for me. In fact, I had a lot of struggles that I thought I would've never survived. But I stood strong, and even if I wanted to give up most of the time, I never did 'cos deep inside me, I know that I can make it 'cos I have Faith in God, all the time. And despite of all those struggles, I had lot of things to celebrate about. Just like being married to a guy that I have been waiting for all my life. And not just that, I always thank that I still have my life and will continue to cherish every moment while I am alive.
One thing that always keeps me going, despite of the hardships I've been to, is I know that lots of people out there had much more worries than what I had, but they are still surviving and continue to live and enjoy life as much as they can 'cos life is precious and we can only grasp it ONCE.
A lot of sorrows yet a lot of happiness, that's always what we have each year 'cos that is what life is all about. And my wish for all of us for this coming year, 2009 are.....
♥ A blessed life;
♥ Being healthy physically, emotionally, mentally, and most importantly, spiritually;
♥ To be safe all the time;
♥ A fortune, enough to let us enjoy the fine things in life but would still remember that life is not just all about that;
♥ To receive a lot of Love and to give a lot of Love back; and
♥ To keep the faith in our God 'cos whatever we have right now are all His will and He won't give us anything that we would never survive.
May everyone will have a prosperous 2009!!!! :-)
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