Mar 26, 2008

When to get married?

In my own opinion

When I entered the legal age (18 years old), I said to myself that I will be married when I will be 25 years old but if at the age of 24, I will still be single, I would start to panic and get someone to marry with, by hook or by crook. In short, I would be very desperate on that age. LOL

But, just in the right time, at the age of 23, I found a love that I will have forever and we're getting married soon. I can't wait to start a new life with him because we know that God brought us together, to take care with each other forever.

I, personally, think that it's not with the age or love but it is about being ready. Who can be stupid enough not to think about the life of being married. For me, once you're married, of course that includes having a child, and that means that you only have limited freedom because most of your life would be dedicated to your family. Unlike being a single and no kids, you can go out and be with friends anytime you want. You can go to sleep or go home anytime you'd like. But once you have your family, that wouldn't be possible.

Being in the right age and being in love are some aspects that you could consider but it is best if you're ready to settle down and play the role of a mother/father and husband/wife which no one can ever say it's easy.


  1. Good luck in your commitment as a life-long partner. Hope that you may be able to fulfill God's purpose in binding you and your husband as one.

