Another Used To Be
by Joe
I brought you here so that i can express,
The things i've been thinkin bout give me your ear.
Cuz i don't normally do this so bare with me through this.
There are so many things that i want to say.
But let me start by saying this saying i thank you,
Darling just because..
I used to love someone that i didn't like
We used to want to break up every other night.
I used to think realationships were a lot of stress.
I used to think that pain was a part of happiness.
Now all that's changed since you've come my way,
But i don't want us to become
Another used to be.
I hope what i'm saying don't discourage you in any kind of way
Cuz i do believe that you have
The potential to be everything i need.
I hope that you can really understand
That i would hate to be with someone new,
And tell them what i'm telling you.
Cuz it would only be another waste of time,
Another moment to be raised i would bout my mind.
Another memory a part of history I cant forget
Cuz it keeps haunting me. Now that your here is evidently clear,
But i don't ever have to have this worry again again.
[Chorus x3]
i used to love someone that i didn't like. we used to want to break up every other night. i
used to think realationships were a lot of stress.i used to think pain was a part of
happiness. now all that's changed since you've come my way, but i don't want us to become
another used to be.
Jan 31, 2008
Jan 28, 2008

Philadelphia is an Academy Award-winning 1993 drama film revolving around HIV/AIDS. It was written by Ron Nyswaner and directed by Jonathan Demme. The film stars Tom Hanks, Denzel Washington, Joanne Woodward, Jason Robards, Antonio Banderas, Lisa Summerour, Chandra Wilson, and Mary Steenburgen. It was inspired by the story of Geoffrey Bowers, an attorney who in 1987 sued the law firm Baker & McKenzie for unfair dismissal in one of the first AIDS discrimination cases.
My Bestfriend
Not all of us have Bestfriends and I am one of those lucky people who have one. Her name is Stephanie P. Gales but I call her Tetet, as the nickname that I gave to her that originates from Matet which is her real nickname. I considered those people who have bestfriend as lucky ones, including me(of course!), because a bestfriend is the only friend that woud not leave you, no matter what. As they said, Friends come and go, though those few true ones stays but you may never knew how long they stay, they may need to go and you can't do anything to keep them. A bestfriend is not just true and real, they're a genuine treasure that is worthy to keep more than anything else.
I met my bestfriend when I was just 8 years old and she was the same age as I was then. It was October, 2008 at the Iglesia Ni Cristo church, Buhangin Locale. We were both member of the Children's choir then and I was new on that locale since my family transferred there from Panacan. I don't remember how she looks that time but I guess it's still the same face that I'm looking right now only cuter. We were still young and guess can't pronounce all names so since that day, unconciously, we baptized ourselves with the name that we can pronounce with the best that we can. As mentioned above, I named her Tetet, and she named me Jing-jing, which is originally Jen-jen. Since then, we're inseparable.
We never get angry to each other until we became classmates in our sophomore years in high scholol at University of Souteasern Philippines, Laboratoty School. Actually, it was only me who gets angry with her, for (I just realized it lately) nonsense reasons, I don't want to think of it anymore. The longest time that we didn't speak to each other was a week and all those times, I feel so empty. I remembered her sang "Tell Me" by Joey Alberts while in front of me, out of the blue. She claimed she never did it or didn't remember doing it but I am very sure that she did it, maybe she doesn't mean to sing it to me but it still touched my heart. We were painting our chairs then. Each time we speak to each other after all those petty fights, it brings tears to my eyes because I would realize how much I'm missing her.
We always write to each other eventhough we see and talk to each other everyday. We do that because, sometimes, one of us wants to say something to each other that we think is better said in letters than in verbal way.
We have lots in common but have something that we're opposites too. We both are talkative. Our mothers always ask why we can't get enough talks (we call it "chikka") even we always see each other. It may sound funny but we don’t know either, it's just that there are always lots of things that we can talk about to each other. Nothing in my life had happened that she didn't know. She knows everything, as in every LITTLE thing about me. Nothing escapes her, well, I don't let any detail about my life escape her because in case, I lost my memory, there's someone to remind me how beautiful my life was before I lost my memory.
I am optimistic and she is pessimistic. We like that idea because if I am too positive she puts negative thoughts about it and when she's too negative, I give her my positive thoughts so we balance it. I am aggressive while she's conservative in comes to relationships. But we're both adventurous but not with life, I am a risk-taker while she always wants to play safe. We both love nature-tripping so much. We both are night-lifer too when we're still in college. We like to eat but she always sees to it that she's still in a budget while I spend lots for foods. We both like to dress up but she's more trendy-looking than me. She's always a listener and I am most of the time, talker. It seems that she doesn't have lots of dramas in life and I always have.
The things that I can most describe my bestfriend and the reasos why she's the best among all of my friends is because she's always there when noone's around, she understands when noone seems to care, she listens when everyone seems to be deaf, and she cares for me more than anybody else.
Honestly, there are lots of things that I can say about my bestfriend but can't make it into words for now. I don't want to be sound bias but I can never think of any bad things about her. For me, she's perfect and she's the bestfriend that everyone could wish they've had.

[To Tetet,
Thank you for being a part of me and helping me with all you can to be strong. Though you may not be aware of it, but you inspired me in your own simple ways and I always thank you for that. You’re the BEST and I hope that you always know that. I love you Girl!]
I met my bestfriend when I was just 8 years old and she was the same age as I was then. It was October, 2008 at the Iglesia Ni Cristo church, Buhangin Locale. We were both member of the Children's choir then and I was new on that locale since my family transferred there from Panacan. I don't remember how she looks that time but I guess it's still the same face that I'm looking right now only cuter. We were still young and guess can't pronounce all names so since that day, unconciously, we baptized ourselves with the name that we can pronounce with the best that we can. As mentioned above, I named her Tetet, and she named me Jing-jing, which is originally Jen-jen. Since then, we're inseparable.
We never get angry to each other until we became classmates in our sophomore years in high scholol at University of Souteasern Philippines, Laboratoty School. Actually, it was only me who gets angry with her, for (I just realized it lately) nonsense reasons, I don't want to think of it anymore. The longest time that we didn't speak to each other was a week and all those times, I feel so empty. I remembered her sang "Tell Me" by Joey Alberts while in front of me, out of the blue. She claimed she never did it or didn't remember doing it but I am very sure that she did it, maybe she doesn't mean to sing it to me but it still touched my heart. We were painting our chairs then. Each time we speak to each other after all those petty fights, it brings tears to my eyes because I would realize how much I'm missing her.
We always write to each other eventhough we see and talk to each other everyday. We do that because, sometimes, one of us wants to say something to each other that we think is better said in letters than in verbal way.
We have lots in common but have something that we're opposites too. We both are talkative. Our mothers always ask why we can't get enough talks (we call it "chikka") even we always see each other. It may sound funny but we don’t know either, it's just that there are always lots of things that we can talk about to each other. Nothing in my life had happened that she didn't know. She knows everything, as in every LITTLE thing about me. Nothing escapes her, well, I don't let any detail about my life escape her because in case, I lost my memory, there's someone to remind me how beautiful my life was before I lost my memory.
I am optimistic and she is pessimistic. We like that idea because if I am too positive she puts negative thoughts about it and when she's too negative, I give her my positive thoughts so we balance it. I am aggressive while she's conservative in comes to relationships. But we're both adventurous but not with life, I am a risk-taker while she always wants to play safe. We both love nature-tripping so much. We both are night-lifer too when we're still in college. We like to eat but she always sees to it that she's still in a budget while I spend lots for foods. We both like to dress up but she's more trendy-looking than me. She's always a listener and I am most of the time, talker. It seems that she doesn't have lots of dramas in life and I always have.
The things that I can most describe my bestfriend and the reasos why she's the best among all of my friends is because she's always there when noone's around, she understands when noone seems to care, she listens when everyone seems to be deaf, and she cares for me more than anybody else.
Honestly, there are lots of things that I can say about my bestfriend but can't make it into words for now. I don't want to be sound bias but I can never think of any bad things about her. For me, she's perfect and she's the bestfriend that everyone could wish they've had.

[To Tetet,
Thank you for being a part of me and helping me with all you can to be strong. Though you may not be aware of it, but you inspired me in your own simple ways and I always thank you for that. You’re the BEST and I hope that you always know that. I love you Girl!]
Jan 16, 2008
Movie Review: THE GREEN MILE
Movie Review: GHOST

Ghost is a 1990 romantic drama-fantasy-thriller film starring Patrick Swayze, Demi Moore, Tony Goldwyn and Whoopi Goldberg, written by Bruce Joel Rubin and directed by Jerry Zucker. It was nominated for multiple Academy Awards, including Best Picture, winning for Best Original Screenplay, as well as Best Supporting Actress for Whoopi Goldberg.
Jan 11, 2008
Baby concerns
Some of the most common problems your baby may develop are dealt with below:
Crying is natural. Your babies cries to tell you that he needs something.The various reasons for which babies usually cry are:
Being too cold
Being too warm
A full nappy
Being ill or in pain
If your baby settles down when you hold him, cuddle him as much as he wants. Remember that your baby is not crying to upset you.
Colic is a state when baby cries for three or more hours steadily every day or evening with no specific reasons. There is no known cause or cure. You and your baby will just have to wait until she outgrows it. There are few soothing things you can try:
Carry your baby in a sling or front carrier and take a walk.
Lay baby on your knees and rub her back
Play some rhytmic sound for your baby such as mobile on cot.
Swaddle her snugly
Let your baby suck on your clean finger for comfort
If nothing helps, This does not mean that you are a bad parent. This phase of your baby will go. If you get too upset or tired, take some time to help yourself feel better. Ask another adult to supervise your child.
Cradle cap
A thick circle of dead skin may form on the scalp of a newborn baby. Do not try to pick off the scales, as this can lead to infection. This will eventually clear up of its own accord. However you can soften the scales so that they drop more easily by using almond or any baby oil.
Nappy rash
One of the best way to prevent nappy (diaper) rash is to to allow the baby to be without a nappy as often as possible. One of the most important thing to remember is to remove diapers as soon as they are dirty or wet. Clean the area gently with warm water, don't put on new diaper until skin is completely dry. Make your child wear diaper through which it's skin can breathe. Calendula cream is very healing and may help to soothe the soreness of nappy rash. It is available from pharmacists or health food stores.
Click for more on nappy rash
Blocked tear duct(sticky eye)
About half of all babies develop ' sticky eve' some time in the first 3 months after births. Because it is not severe problem, parents are usually not given clear explanation. Most sticky eyes in young babies are are caused by a blockage in the ducts which drain the eye. Try to learn the way of cleaning the eyes from mid wife or your child health carer. Mothers are often advised to massage the tear ducts. Most ducts clear by six months of age if not before. Only in very few cases medical intervention is required.
Crying is natural. Your babies cries to tell you that he needs something.The various reasons for which babies usually cry are:
Being too cold
Being too warm
A full nappy
Being ill or in pain
If your baby settles down when you hold him, cuddle him as much as he wants. Remember that your baby is not crying to upset you.
Colic is a state when baby cries for three or more hours steadily every day or evening with no specific reasons. There is no known cause or cure. You and your baby will just have to wait until she outgrows it. There are few soothing things you can try:
Carry your baby in a sling or front carrier and take a walk.
Lay baby on your knees and rub her back
Play some rhytmic sound for your baby such as mobile on cot.
Swaddle her snugly
Let your baby suck on your clean finger for comfort
If nothing helps, This does not mean that you are a bad parent. This phase of your baby will go. If you get too upset or tired, take some time to help yourself feel better. Ask another adult to supervise your child.
Cradle cap
A thick circle of dead skin may form on the scalp of a newborn baby. Do not try to pick off the scales, as this can lead to infection. This will eventually clear up of its own accord. However you can soften the scales so that they drop more easily by using almond or any baby oil.
Nappy rash
One of the best way to prevent nappy (diaper) rash is to to allow the baby to be without a nappy as often as possible. One of the most important thing to remember is to remove diapers as soon as they are dirty or wet. Clean the area gently with warm water, don't put on new diaper until skin is completely dry. Make your child wear diaper through which it's skin can breathe. Calendula cream is very healing and may help to soothe the soreness of nappy rash. It is available from pharmacists or health food stores.
Click for more on nappy rash
Blocked tear duct(sticky eye)
About half of all babies develop ' sticky eve' some time in the first 3 months after births. Because it is not severe problem, parents are usually not given clear explanation. Most sticky eyes in young babies are are caused by a blockage in the ducts which drain the eye. Try to learn the way of cleaning the eyes from mid wife or your child health carer. Mothers are often advised to massage the tear ducts. Most ducts clear by six months of age if not before. Only in very few cases medical intervention is required.
Jan 10, 2008
Tips for prettiness
--> Drink plenty of water each day, and eat nutritious foods such as fish, fruit, veggies, and whole-grains. Your skin will glow. If you have acne-prone skin, do a tea tree oil steam facial. The steam will open up your pores and the tea tree oil will help your acne disappear. Try going in the sauna occasionally as well. Make sure to wash your face with a cleanser made for your type of skin after doing a steam facial or taking a sauna. After washing your face, apply an oil free moisturizer. Though this may seem stupid, even if you're a teenager, add wrinkle cream. It sounds really stupid, but it makes your face glow.
--> For those areas that you remove hair, waxing lasts longer and usually works better. It is best to get waxing done at salons. Do not, however, wax your eyebrows as the skin on your face is very sensitive. Instead get them strung or plucked.
--> Consider going to a proper, expensive hairdresser. The extra money is worth it, and the products they use are much better quality. If you're not sure what hair cut looks good on you, ask your stylist what haircuts suit your face shape [i.e. round, oval, square, heart shaped].
--> Keep your nails looking nice. Get your nails done at least twice a month. If you cannot afford constant trips to the salon, do your nails at home. French manicures are not as hard to do as they seem. Keep your cuticles (the half-moon border of the finger to the nail) clean and clear by gently pushing back the cuticle with the cardboard shaft of a cotton swab or other such object. Don’t forget about your toes!
--> Always wash your hair. Keep it shiny and healthy-looking by using the right shampoos. Make sure to use conditioners and anti-frizz serums if you have frizz-prone hair. If you don't want or don't have time to shower in the mornings, shower the night before and do the styling in the morning. This way, you might still have time to take a quick shower with a shower cap (so you don't have to wash your hair). You can braid your hair while its still wet, which creates flirty waves the next morning, or you can straighten your hair. Brush through your hair and decide how you want to style it. Decide which styles flatter your face's shape the most, and which make you feel good.
--> Try your perfumes (if you have them), and see what makes you feel best. Also, you can try body lotions, or body splashes. Ones that tend to make people feel best are shimmery ones. If you do spray yourself with perfume, please do not overdo it. Spritz yourself once or twice on your wrist, rub that wrist onto the other wrist, and then onto your elbows and neck. That creates a hint of scent, which is sexy.
--> Take care of your lips. Use a medicated chapstick, and add lip gloss when appropriate.
--> Shoes with heels will make your legs look amazing; if those aren't possible, wear some funky tennis shoes.
--> Look at yourself in the mirror. What are your best features? Your legs? Your hair? Your mouth? Your shoulders? Now, think of ways you can enhance those features. For example, if you have great hair, wash it every other day to make it shinier. For long legs, make sure you shave everyday, so you can show off those legs in mini skirts or cool shorts (if the weather allows). For great shoulders or bone structure, you can wear shirts that show off those things, like halter tops.
--> Take a long, not-too-hot bath every night. It will help to relax you, so you will radiate happiness, and give you a great glow.
--> If you're ever feeling down about how you look, go out to dinner with a few of your friends. Good friends are there to listen, cheer you up, and keep you laughing.
--> If you're happy inside, it'll show up on the outside. Do things you enjoy --- go to a concert, wear purple shoes, play with puppies, whatever floats your boat!
--> Confidence is one of the sexiest things in the world. Embolden yourself! Keep your posture straight and your head up --- this creates the image that you know exactly who you are, what you want, and where you're going. Wear a different shade of eyeshadow. Re-decorate your room. Strike up conversations with strangers. Be bold, but don't be careless about it -- know your limits. Know that you are beautiful in your very own unique way, and that being pretty does not have to mean looking like everyone else.
--> Be yourself! Get over jealousy and comparisons to others. See what makes others look good. How do they accentuate the positive? How do they minimize or distract attention from their flaws?
--> Don't worry if you don't have a perfect figure or flawless skin. Beauty comes in all different shapes and sizes! And anyway, real beauty is what's on the inside.
--> If you keep a few black and white things in your wardrobe, you will always have something to go with your other coordinates.
--> Currently, eyebrows that are natural looking are in, but be sure to tweeze strays that go outside the hairline.
--> Do not overdo the glitter and/or makeup, otherwise you will look like a clown!
--> If you're younger, use more natural colors.
--> Don't pretend to be someone that you're really not! Being yourself is the greatest thing.
--> When you see yourself in the mirror see how beutifull you look,that will make you feel more confident about your self
--> Being pretty is something that every girl has inside them, and you need to be ready to show
--> Also remember that you should always look beautiful, not just for a boy, etc.
--> For those areas that you remove hair, waxing lasts longer and usually works better. It is best to get waxing done at salons. Do not, however, wax your eyebrows as the skin on your face is very sensitive. Instead get them strung or plucked.
--> Consider going to a proper, expensive hairdresser. The extra money is worth it, and the products they use are much better quality. If you're not sure what hair cut looks good on you, ask your stylist what haircuts suit your face shape [i.e. round, oval, square, heart shaped].
--> Keep your nails looking nice. Get your nails done at least twice a month. If you cannot afford constant trips to the salon, do your nails at home. French manicures are not as hard to do as they seem. Keep your cuticles (the half-moon border of the finger to the nail) clean and clear by gently pushing back the cuticle with the cardboard shaft of a cotton swab or other such object. Don’t forget about your toes!
--> Always wash your hair. Keep it shiny and healthy-looking by using the right shampoos. Make sure to use conditioners and anti-frizz serums if you have frizz-prone hair. If you don't want or don't have time to shower in the mornings, shower the night before and do the styling in the morning. This way, you might still have time to take a quick shower with a shower cap (so you don't have to wash your hair). You can braid your hair while its still wet, which creates flirty waves the next morning, or you can straighten your hair. Brush through your hair and decide how you want to style it. Decide which styles flatter your face's shape the most, and which make you feel good.
--> Try your perfumes (if you have them), and see what makes you feel best. Also, you can try body lotions, or body splashes. Ones that tend to make people feel best are shimmery ones. If you do spray yourself with perfume, please do not overdo it. Spritz yourself once or twice on your wrist, rub that wrist onto the other wrist, and then onto your elbows and neck. That creates a hint of scent, which is sexy.
--> Take care of your lips. Use a medicated chapstick, and add lip gloss when appropriate.
--> Shoes with heels will make your legs look amazing; if those aren't possible, wear some funky tennis shoes.
--> Look at yourself in the mirror. What are your best features? Your legs? Your hair? Your mouth? Your shoulders? Now, think of ways you can enhance those features. For example, if you have great hair, wash it every other day to make it shinier. For long legs, make sure you shave everyday, so you can show off those legs in mini skirts or cool shorts (if the weather allows). For great shoulders or bone structure, you can wear shirts that show off those things, like halter tops.
--> Take a long, not-too-hot bath every night. It will help to relax you, so you will radiate happiness, and give you a great glow.
--> If you're ever feeling down about how you look, go out to dinner with a few of your friends. Good friends are there to listen, cheer you up, and keep you laughing.
--> If you're happy inside, it'll show up on the outside. Do things you enjoy --- go to a concert, wear purple shoes, play with puppies, whatever floats your boat!
--> Confidence is one of the sexiest things in the world. Embolden yourself! Keep your posture straight and your head up --- this creates the image that you know exactly who you are, what you want, and where you're going. Wear a different shade of eyeshadow. Re-decorate your room. Strike up conversations with strangers. Be bold, but don't be careless about it -- know your limits. Know that you are beautiful in your very own unique way, and that being pretty does not have to mean looking like everyone else.
--> Be yourself! Get over jealousy and comparisons to others. See what makes others look good. How do they accentuate the positive? How do they minimize or distract attention from their flaws?
--> Don't worry if you don't have a perfect figure or flawless skin. Beauty comes in all different shapes and sizes! And anyway, real beauty is what's on the inside.
--> If you keep a few black and white things in your wardrobe, you will always have something to go with your other coordinates.
--> Currently, eyebrows that are natural looking are in, but be sure to tweeze strays that go outside the hairline.
--> Do not overdo the glitter and/or makeup, otherwise you will look like a clown!
--> If you're younger, use more natural colors.
--> Don't pretend to be someone that you're really not! Being yourself is the greatest thing.
--> When you see yourself in the mirror see how beutifull you look,that will make you feel more confident about your self
--> Being pretty is something that every girl has inside them, and you need to be ready to show
--> Also remember that you should always look beautiful, not just for a boy, etc.
Word of inspiration
Increase your self esteem and your sense of self worth, read these quotes and reflect on their meaning:
- Living:
Words of inspiration can inspire you daily read them and speak them often!
- self esteem and happiness:
Listen to your inner voice and follow them for it is wisdom that knows what is best for you.
Talk health, happiness and prosperity to every person you meet.
Think only of the best, to work only for the best and expect only the best-you deserve nothing less.
Care about the happiness and success of others and offer them all the help and encouragement they need.
Forget your past mistakes and focus on your successes encouraging yourself to greater achievements in the future.
Always do your best so you can be proud that you gave it your best shot.
When you help someone ask nothing in return, you will receive your reward ten times over.
Make the most of each day
Look at previous issues
A bank credits your account each morning with $86,400. It carries over
no balance to tomorrow. Every evening you lose the balance you failed to use during the day.
> >>> > What would you do?
Draw out every cent, of course!!!!
Each of us has such a bank. Its name is TIME. Every morning, it credits you with 86,400 seconds.
Every night it writes off what you have failed to invest.
If you fail to use the day's deposits, the loss is yours.
There is no going back.
Invest it so as to improve get from it the utmost in health, happiness, and success!
The clock is running. Make the most of life today.
To realize the value of ONE YEAR, ask a student who failed a grade.
To realize the value of ONE MONTH, ask a mother who gave birth to a premature baby.
To realize the value of ONE WEEK, ask the editor of a weekly newspaper.
To realize the value of ONE HOUR, ask the lovers who are waiting to meet.
To realize the value of ONE MINUTE, ask a person who missed the train.
To realize the value of ONE SECOND, ask a person who just avoided an accident.
Treasure every moment ! Yesterday is history.
Tomorrow is mystery.
Today is a gift. That's why it's called the present!
- Living:
Words of inspiration can inspire you daily read them and speak them often!
- self esteem and happiness:
Listen to your inner voice and follow them for it is wisdom that knows what is best for you.
Talk health, happiness and prosperity to every person you meet.
Think only of the best, to work only for the best and expect only the best-you deserve nothing less.
Care about the happiness and success of others and offer them all the help and encouragement they need.
Forget your past mistakes and focus on your successes encouraging yourself to greater achievements in the future.
Always do your best so you can be proud that you gave it your best shot.
When you help someone ask nothing in return, you will receive your reward ten times over.
Make the most of each day
Look at previous issues
A bank credits your account each morning with $86,400. It carries over
no balance to tomorrow. Every evening you lose the balance you failed to use during the day.
> >>> > What would you do?
Draw out every cent, of course!!!!
Each of us has such a bank. Its name is TIME. Every morning, it credits you with 86,400 seconds.
Every night it writes off what you have failed to invest.
If you fail to use the day's deposits, the loss is yours.
There is no going back.
Invest it so as to improve get from it the utmost in health, happiness, and success!
The clock is running. Make the most of life today.
To realize the value of ONE YEAR, ask a student who failed a grade.
To realize the value of ONE MONTH, ask a mother who gave birth to a premature baby.
To realize the value of ONE WEEK, ask the editor of a weekly newspaper.
To realize the value of ONE HOUR, ask the lovers who are waiting to meet.
To realize the value of ONE MINUTE, ask a person who missed the train.
To realize the value of ONE SECOND, ask a person who just avoided an accident.
Treasure every moment ! Yesterday is history.
Tomorrow is mystery.
Today is a gift. That's why it's called the present!
This is mine and my fiance's favorite word. This word became popular because of the movie Ghost, starring Patrick Swayze as Sam and Demi Moore as Molly on 1990.
Main Entry: 1dit·to
Pronunciation: \ˈdi-(ˌ)tō\
Function: noun
Inflected Form(s): plural dittos
Etymology: Italian ditto, detto, past participle of dire to say, from Latin dicere — more at diction
Date: circa 1639
1 : a thing mentioned previously or above —used to avoid repeating a word —often symbolized by inverted commas or apostrophes
2 : a ditto mark
A scene from the movie Ghost:
(Source: Wikipedia)
After saying a final goodbye to Oda Mae, he shares a final kiss with Molly and tells her he loves her, to which she responds with "ditto". Sam then walks off into the bright light (presumably to Heaven).
Main Entry: 1dit·to
Pronunciation: \ˈdi-(ˌ)tō\
Function: noun
Inflected Form(s): plural dittos
Etymology: Italian ditto, detto, past participle of dire to say, from Latin dicere — more at diction
Date: circa 1639
1 : a thing mentioned previously or above —used to avoid repeating a word —often symbolized by inverted commas or apostrophes
2 : a ditto mark
A scene from the movie Ghost:
(Source: Wikipedia)
After saying a final goodbye to Oda Mae, he shares a final kiss with Molly and tells her he loves her, to which she responds with "ditto". Sam then walks off into the bright light (presumably to Heaven).
Why Dion Bernard?
Before I became pregnant, I always wanted to give my baby a meaningful name. It may not be unique or unusual but I want his/her name to have sense. Better if it would be a combination of my name and my partner's name or names of persons that are important to me.
When I became pregnant, I chose the name CERD ZABDIEL BERNARD if boy or CERD ZABDIEL BERNARDETTE if girl. That is because CERD is from my mother's name, Cerediona, Zabdiel means Son of God from Names dictionary and Bernard is from my father's name, Bernardo. But somebody told me that it's not good to give child a very long or complicated name for lots of reasons so I started to search for lots of names in the dictionary. But iI ended up naming my baby DION BERNARD, which from my mother 's and father's name (CereDIONa and BERNARDo).
We gave him the nickname Abi which is a bisaya (Filipino language in Davao City and in some parts of Mindanao) that means "I/We Thought". Because while I was pregnant of him and before I found out from the ultrasound that he's a boy, lots of people says that my bay is a girl because I like pink colors so much and my tummy's shape tells that it's a girl according to some beliefs. But they're wrong. =)
When I became pregnant, I chose the name CERD ZABDIEL BERNARD if boy or CERD ZABDIEL BERNARDETTE if girl. That is because CERD is from my mother's name, Cerediona, Zabdiel means Son of God from Names dictionary and Bernard is from my father's name, Bernardo. But somebody told me that it's not good to give child a very long or complicated name for lots of reasons so I started to search for lots of names in the dictionary. But iI ended up naming my baby DION BERNARD, which from my mother 's and father's name (CereDIONa and BERNARDo).
We gave him the nickname Abi which is a bisaya (Filipino language in Davao City and in some parts of Mindanao) that means "I/We Thought". Because while I was pregnant of him and before I found out from the ultrasound that he's a boy, lots of people says that my bay is a girl because I like pink colors so much and my tummy's shape tells that it's a girl according to some beliefs. But they're wrong. =)
An Angel was born
Early morning of the 23rd of September, first thing that I recognize was an unusual discharge from my vagina. It is so sticky, just like a white blood before the menstruation, it just beige in color. I thought that it is just normal for a pregnant woman. But I realize that the smell is like the fresh blood, but I didn't panic because I didn't feel anything unusual.
I went to the office to deliver the foods that my officemates had ordered from my parents then went home immediately since it was my day off. I took a nap after having my breakfast then woke up for lunch. I decided to pay my doctor a visit because I would like to ask for her Certificate that I can start to have my Maternity leave. I waited for 2 hours at her clinic due to lots of her patients. Finally, it's my turn.
I then told my doctor about the discharge that I saw earlier and she did an Internal Examination (IE) to my vagina to check my cervix and to my surprise, my cervix is already 2cm open, so I need to go to my hospital because anytime from then, I will due to give birth. I still didn't panic because I didn't feel any pain just like the usual way to give birth.
Since the hospital is just a walking distance from my doctor's clinic, I just took a walk. I admitted myself to the hospital. I enjoyed the experience because while I was at the emergency room waiting for my doctor and parents, I met lots of women who are about to give birth too but I felt sad for them because they're in such terrible pain. All of them wondered why I was so relaxed. It may sound crazy but I wondered too(lol!). Then around 8p.m., I feel that I had to piss and it was the time that my waterbag broke just right after I sat on the toilet bowl.
I didn't give birth on that day because on the on the ultrasound it shows that my baby is on Frank Breech position which means that he's lying on his stomach inside my ovary with his feet facing my vagina ( I call it the frog position. lol). I was brought to my room to have a rest and wait for tomorrow for the big day.
At around 6a.m. on 24th of September, a nurse woke me up telling me that I need to clean myself because my doctor had arrived and I will be giving birth anytime from now. I feel awkward because I didn't feel like giving birth since I don't feel anything that would tell me that my baby wants to go out. But I took a bath then wore a hospital gown. I was then put on a stretcher going to the Operating Room. Upon reaching the OR, I was introduced to the Anesthesiologist(I'm sorry I forgot her name and too lazy to look at my baby's birth certificate). She told me the process that I'll be undergoing and I felt excited. My Mom was so nervous that time while me is so relaxed and even laughs with my doctors.
By 7:30am (I'm not sure with the time because I don't see any watch that time. I just estimated it), I was brought to the OR and saw all the nurses and 3 doctors who'll be in charge of my delivery. I was first injected at the spinal cord and it numbed my whole body. They put oxygen hose on my nose to help me breath, I think. I was all awake but they put a curtain in fron of me so that I can't see the whole operation. I felt that my body was moving and I'm very sure that they're staring to slice my tummy. I was just listening to them though I can't hear clearly what they're saying. I don't know how long it took but finally, at exactly 8:48a.m. (as satted on my son's birth certificate)I heard a baby crying. A very soft voice that sounds like an angel to me. After that I felt dizzy but one of the doctors ( I believe she was the pediatrician) woke me up and introduce me to an angel that I named Dion Bernard a.k.a. Abi.
I went to the office to deliver the foods that my officemates had ordered from my parents then went home immediately since it was my day off. I took a nap after having my breakfast then woke up for lunch. I decided to pay my doctor a visit because I would like to ask for her Certificate that I can start to have my Maternity leave. I waited for 2 hours at her clinic due to lots of her patients. Finally, it's my turn.
I then told my doctor about the discharge that I saw earlier and she did an Internal Examination (IE) to my vagina to check my cervix and to my surprise, my cervix is already 2cm open, so I need to go to my hospital because anytime from then, I will due to give birth. I still didn't panic because I didn't feel any pain just like the usual way to give birth.
Since the hospital is just a walking distance from my doctor's clinic, I just took a walk. I admitted myself to the hospital. I enjoyed the experience because while I was at the emergency room waiting for my doctor and parents, I met lots of women who are about to give birth too but I felt sad for them because they're in such terrible pain. All of them wondered why I was so relaxed. It may sound crazy but I wondered too(lol!). Then around 8p.m., I feel that I had to piss and it was the time that my waterbag broke just right after I sat on the toilet bowl.
I didn't give birth on that day because on the on the ultrasound it shows that my baby is on Frank Breech position which means that he's lying on his stomach inside my ovary with his feet facing my vagina ( I call it the frog position. lol). I was brought to my room to have a rest and wait for tomorrow for the big day.
At around 6a.m. on 24th of September, a nurse woke me up telling me that I need to clean myself because my doctor had arrived and I will be giving birth anytime from now. I feel awkward because I didn't feel like giving birth since I don't feel anything that would tell me that my baby wants to go out. But I took a bath then wore a hospital gown. I was then put on a stretcher going to the Operating Room. Upon reaching the OR, I was introduced to the Anesthesiologist(I'm sorry I forgot her name and too lazy to look at my baby's birth certificate). She told me the process that I'll be undergoing and I felt excited. My Mom was so nervous that time while me is so relaxed and even laughs with my doctors.
By 7:30am (I'm not sure with the time because I don't see any watch that time. I just estimated it), I was brought to the OR and saw all the nurses and 3 doctors who'll be in charge of my delivery. I was first injected at the spinal cord and it numbed my whole body. They put oxygen hose on my nose to help me breath, I think. I was all awake but they put a curtain in fron of me so that I can't see the whole operation. I felt that my body was moving and I'm very sure that they're staring to slice my tummy. I was just listening to them though I can't hear clearly what they're saying. I don't know how long it took but finally, at exactly 8:48a.m. (as satted on my son's birth certificate)I heard a baby crying. A very soft voice that sounds like an angel to me. After that I felt dizzy but one of the doctors ( I believe she was the pediatrician) woke me up and introduce me to an angel that I named Dion Bernard a.k.a. Abi.
Jan 9, 2008
Poems that I like
A friend is someone we turn to
when our spirits need a lift.
A friend is someone we treasure
for our friendship is a gift.
A friend is someone who fills our lives
with beauty, joy, and grace.
And makes the whole world we live in
a better and happier place.
- Jean Kyler McManus -
You are friendly, kind and caring
Sensitive, loyal and understanding
Humorous, fun, secure and true
Always there... yes that's you.
Special, accepting, exciting and wise
Truthful and helpful, with honest blue eyes
Confiding, forgiving, cheerful and bright
Yes that's you... not one bit of spite.
You're one of a kind, different from others
Generous, charming, but not one that smothers
Optimistic, thoughtful, happy and game
But not just another... in the long chain.
Appreciative, warm and precious like gold
Our friendship won't tarnish or ever grow old
You'll always be there, I know that is true
I'll always be here... always for you.
- Written and owned by Angela Lee Hillsley -
Standing by,
All the way.
Here to help you through your day.
Holding you up,
When you are weak,
Helping you find what it is you seek.
Catching your tears,
When you cry.
Pulling you through when the tide is high.
Just being there,
Through thick and thin,
All just to say, you are my friend.
- Brittani Kokko -
The Miracle Of Friendship
There is a miracle called Friendship
that dwells within the heart
and you don't know how it happens
or when it even starts.
But the happiness it brings you
always gives a special lift
and you realize that Friendship
is God's most precious gift.
- Jean Kyler McManus -
Friends will come and friends will go,
The seasons change and it will show,
I will age and so will you,
But our friendship stays, strong and true.
- Author Unknown -
A friend is someone we turn to
when our spirits need a lift.
A friend is someone we treasure
for our friendship is a gift.
A friend is someone who fills our lives
with beauty, joy, and grace.
And makes the whole world we live in
a better and happier place.
- Jean Kyler McManus -
You are friendly, kind and caring
Sensitive, loyal and understanding
Humorous, fun, secure and true
Always there... yes that's you.
Special, accepting, exciting and wise
Truthful and helpful, with honest blue eyes
Confiding, forgiving, cheerful and bright
Yes that's you... not one bit of spite.
You're one of a kind, different from others
Generous, charming, but not one that smothers
Optimistic, thoughtful, happy and game
But not just another... in the long chain.
Appreciative, warm and precious like gold
Our friendship won't tarnish or ever grow old
You'll always be there, I know that is true
I'll always be here... always for you.
- Written and owned by Angela Lee Hillsley -
Standing by,
All the way.
Here to help you through your day.
Holding you up,
When you are weak,
Helping you find what it is you seek.
Catching your tears,
When you cry.
Pulling you through when the tide is high.
Just being there,
Through thick and thin,
All just to say, you are my friend.
- Brittani Kokko -
The Miracle Of Friendship
There is a miracle called Friendship
that dwells within the heart
and you don't know how it happens
or when it even starts.
But the happiness it brings you
always gives a special lift
and you realize that Friendship
is God's most precious gift.
- Jean Kyler McManus -
Friends will come and friends will go,
The seasons change and it will show,
I will age and so will you,
But our friendship stays, strong and true.
- Author Unknown -
Changes in me
As said, "Nothing is constant except change" and I know everyone agrees to this.
One of the major changes I had in life is to evolve from an invisible human to a confident girl. Sounds funny but yes, I was once invisible, not literally though but I was invisible in the sense that it seems that no one recognizes me except for my friends and my family. And if other people recognize me, I am always the laughing stuff, which means that I am not worth to be recognized. Well, I love to make people laugh but never meaning to hurt their feelings. But that is not what happened to me before, but that was in high school.
I am an ugly-duckling geek who wears eyeglasses all the time since I was a sophomore until I graduate high school and always has this big wig that even if I comb it a million times, it still appears to be a big wig that never ever looks good to anyone including me. When I was at that point, I never realized that I never existed in campus until such time, way back in colllege that I changed physically and gained confidence that I realized that I should never have lived the life I had in high school. But it already happened and I have no choice but to charge it as an experience.
When I stepped into college, I met some people whom I've seen as good-looking and it was then I started to criticize my own physical appearance and learned that no one can ever recognize me and even respect me if I don't show them the nice part of me(physically), Here are some things that I did:
-- Be concious of the trends and what people wear. Though you may not like it but look at the popular people in campus and check out their outfits and what made them looked good. Watch teen movies and observe the characters, their dresses and how they carry theirselves (eg Mean Girls)
-- Experiment with your looks. Try to wear some outfits that you commonly you observed to be trendy. I had my hair relaxed and wear contact lenses instead of eyeglasses.
-- Brag a little about yourself. Start with your family, then your friends. If they are true to you, they will tell you how you look, if it's bad or not. So, make sure that you have true friends. I have my all-time bestfriend who is always my guide in trends because she herself knows how to be trendy.
-- If you're not sure about trying the things that you observed, consult someone whom you can trust about it. As mentioned above, I always have my bestfriend beside me.
-- Stick to what make you feel comfortable like jeans and sleeveless shirts (as for me), the next ....
-- Be confident. Remember that you would only look good, regardless of what you wear if you are confident with what you are and that start to being comfortable of anything you wear.
-- Walk like you're on a cat walk but don't overdo it. Look good and feel good.
So, to all those who thinks that they're invisible, you try this and see if it works for you. Good luck!
One of the major changes I had in life is to evolve from an invisible human to a confident girl. Sounds funny but yes, I was once invisible, not literally though but I was invisible in the sense that it seems that no one recognizes me except for my friends and my family. And if other people recognize me, I am always the laughing stuff, which means that I am not worth to be recognized. Well, I love to make people laugh but never meaning to hurt their feelings. But that is not what happened to me before, but that was in high school.
I am an ugly-duckling geek who wears eyeglasses all the time since I was a sophomore until I graduate high school and always has this big wig that even if I comb it a million times, it still appears to be a big wig that never ever looks good to anyone including me. When I was at that point, I never realized that I never existed in campus until such time, way back in colllege that I changed physically and gained confidence that I realized that I should never have lived the life I had in high school. But it already happened and I have no choice but to charge it as an experience.
When I stepped into college, I met some people whom I've seen as good-looking and it was then I started to criticize my own physical appearance and learned that no one can ever recognize me and even respect me if I don't show them the nice part of me(physically), Here are some things that I did:
-- Be concious of the trends and what people wear. Though you may not like it but look at the popular people in campus and check out their outfits and what made them looked good. Watch teen movies and observe the characters, their dresses and how they carry theirselves (eg Mean Girls)
-- Experiment with your looks. Try to wear some outfits that you commonly you observed to be trendy. I had my hair relaxed and wear contact lenses instead of eyeglasses.
-- Brag a little about yourself. Start with your family, then your friends. If they are true to you, they will tell you how you look, if it's bad or not. So, make sure that you have true friends. I have my all-time bestfriend who is always my guide in trends because she herself knows how to be trendy.
-- If you're not sure about trying the things that you observed, consult someone whom you can trust about it. As mentioned above, I always have my bestfriend beside me.
-- Stick to what make you feel comfortable like jeans and sleeveless shirts (as for me), the next ....
-- Be confident. Remember that you would only look good, regardless of what you wear if you are confident with what you are and that start to being comfortable of anything you wear.
-- Walk like you're on a cat walk but don't overdo it. Look good and feel good.
So, to all those who thinks that they're invisible, you try this and see if it works for you. Good luck!
It's an achievement
One of my greates achievement in life is to become a mother. Being as such was never an easy task, starting from the day of conception til to this very minute, but the feeling is uncomparable.
The most amazing part of this is to witness your child's development. From your flat tummy to a huge one that you can never figure out how you would turn it back to how you have it before, from seeing a 2lbs. human body to a running little kid, and to a crying little creature to someone who'd clearly call you Mommy. Everytime I think about this, it would bring tears to my eyes. Thinking about the hardness I had while conceiving my baby til the hardworks that I do just to provide him everything he needs. But all those unmeasurable hardships are always being paid off by the sight of your little angel, running to you and calling you "Momma" each time you go home from work. Nothing can be very wonderful when your baby kiss you on your lips each time he's thankful of having you in his life. I may can't understand everything that he utters but I always feel it that he needs me and I couldn't ask for more than that.
The most amazing part of this is to witness your child's development. From your flat tummy to a huge one that you can never figure out how you would turn it back to how you have it before, from seeing a 2lbs. human body to a running little kid, and to a crying little creature to someone who'd clearly call you Mommy. Everytime I think about this, it would bring tears to my eyes. Thinking about the hardness I had while conceiving my baby til the hardworks that I do just to provide him everything he needs. But all those unmeasurable hardships are always being paid off by the sight of your little angel, running to you and calling you "Momma" each time you go home from work. Nothing can be very wonderful when your baby kiss you on your lips each time he's thankful of having you in his life. I may can't understand everything that he utters but I always feel it that he needs me and I couldn't ask for more than that.
Jan 1, 2008
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