It made me reminisced the time when I worked as a Product Support Representative. Sitting at my station with my Plantronics headset with serial number XS8067 (yes, I still remember coz if we lose it, it'll be worth our annual salary..or maybe not that much), Avaya phone, and computer on my desk. Our job was simply sitting around, listen to the beep before my opening spiel, "Hi, thank you for calling Linksys! This is Jona. How may I help you?", listen to the customers while (most of them) complain about their Linksys product's initial setup without even plugging the product in and running the CD yet, and we do the same thing over and over again. Of course, there are some challenging part such as irate customers, maintaining KPI, and dealing with nonsense. The most rewarding part of it is when the customer would ask to speak to a supervisor to let them know how much I helped them and all the recommendations, praises, etc.
Oh, I loved the job. I really did until I realized that I wasn't going anywhere with it. I don't blame anyone but myself coz I didn't do good enough. I wasn't performing bad either, in fact, it was my performance who was holding me stay on the job or else, they'd already kicked me out a long time ago due to my tardiness and absences. Oh yeah, I was such a lazy ass! But, no, they never kicked me out. I resigned from it.
Now you know why I got Linksys! I only have limited knowledge about the other products so I can't say that they don't work good. But working with Linksys and knowing how much people used it and satisfied with it, I never wanted to look to anything else. Yeah, I'm bias, I know. :-D